Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Learning Disability And Disorder ( Autism ) - 1267 Words

Learning Disability/Disorder A learning disability or disorder is a term used for various learning complications. Individuals who have to cope with a learning disability are not dumb or lazy, in fact, they are just as smart, or in some cases, smarter, than individuals without any disability. The only different thing between the two is that an individual with a disability has their brain wired somewhat different and this affects the way they receive and process information. This means that they see, hear, and understand things in a different way. This leads to trouble while learning new information and putting it to practice. Reading, writing, math, speaking, listening, and reasoning are the areas that are most affected by these learning†¦show more content†¦Finding the treatment that addresses the needs of the individual is far more important than deciding what to call the â€Å"problem.† Categories There are many categories of autism, hence the reason why it is called autism spectrum, but the three most common are Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS). These three categories share many of the same symptoms, but they differentiate in the severity and impact it has on each individual. Autism, is the most severe in the whole spectrum, followed by Asperger’s Syndrome and PDD-NOS. Autism is often referred as autistic disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome as high-functioning autism, and PDD-NOS as atypical autism. According to the Autism Spectrum Resource Center, only 20% of individuals on the autism spectrum have classic autism, while the rest fall under the milder range. Since the autism spectrum disorders share many similar symptoms, it can be difficult to distinguish one from the other, particularly in the early stages. Signs and Symptoms The signs and symptoms of the autism spectrum disorders include problems with social skills, language and speech, as well as restriction in activities and interests. However, there are enormous differences when it comes to the severity and patterns of behavior. When diagnosing a problem in speech and language, one may find a delay in learning how to talk or not talking

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